Saturday, April 7, 2012

carrying the pink, ruffly banner

I come from a long line of girlie-girls.  And when I say long, I mean maybe 4.  But still.  It's in my genetics!

Hard-wired into my brain is the love of ruffles.  Not the chips, although the cheddar and sour cream flavor is delightful.  No, I am referring to frills! Lace! Pink!  Tea parties, Jane Austen, unicorns, glitter, make up, nail polish, rainbows, hair bows, jewelery, kitty cats, ballet tutus, and what not!  I simply cannot get enough of that stuff!  I don't know why.  It is just how it is.  How I am.

And God, in His infinite sovereign benevolence, gave me not only a girlie mom and a girlie sister, but also a girlie daughter.  My soul swells with joy!  To exemplify the girliness of said daughter, yesterday she saw a shoe commericial on TV and squealed at the sight of high heels.  Upon which my husband declared "she is her mother's daughter".

But here is where, dear reader, you must realize a truth about girlie girls:  we are not characatures! For example, I love to be dirty.  I love to go camping.  In a tent.  (Would I prefer my tent to be pink?  Of course.  But have not seen one yet.)  I despise cleaning my house.  Husband mostly does that.  I love really messy buffalo wings, tacos, and football food. ( Just the food.  Without the sport part.)  I love to laugh loudly.  I want to go on adventures.  (Just not lead them.)  I have lots and lots of opinions.  And I am intelligent.

But the most irksome stereotype, one that I have applied to myself at times even, is that girlie girls are not strong.  THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE TRUE.  Just like the Puffs that adorn my nightstand, girlie girls can be soft, gentle, comforting, yet strong enough to deal with the snot life blows at us.  (See?  Wasn't snot an ungirlie thing to say?  Surprised you!)

And while I am on this particular soapbox, is is not easy to pigeon hole all categories of people?  To assume they possess a certain list of qualities simply because they qualify for a certain type?  I think yes.  I fall into this thinking, I confess.  But I don't want to.  I want to view each human being as a unique, never before encountered creature.  One that has never been and never again will be duplicated.  Therein, I believe, lies acceptance, appreciation, and LOVE.

Says the girl in the ruffly blue polka dotted jammies.


  1. One of my fondest memories from BBC is the pic I have of you in your pink PJs, smiling with your pink cheeks, blending into your pink sheets :)
    Have a Happy Easter my friend !

  2. Girly girls are the best! I am glad I know you Missy! I crave a girly girl! I hope you find a pink tent soon.

  3. Love it! Well said!! Wish I lived closer so I could come do girly girl things with you!!!!!
